
The internet offers an abundance of information that is but a few clicks of the mouse away. Just a word of caution – some of what is found on the internet is good and solid information and some of it can be quite deceiving and misleading – either deliberately or inadvertently. Always be particularly cautious of those websites that are advertising-supported since they may have ulterior motives in what they are offering, recommending, and even professing to know. What follows are a few suggestions from generally reliable sources that provides additional information on dyslexia and and language-based learning disabilities that you may find quite informative.*
Agency / Organization
Yale Center for Dyslexia & Creativity - Comprehensive and up-to-date information for parents and students.
Park City Reads - A local grassroots advocacy organization that is for parents and community education.
Utah Parent Center - provides excellent and thorough information and workshops about IEPs and 504s.
Decoding Dyslexia: Utah - A state chapter that focuses on dyslexia advocacy, education, and legislation.
National Institute of Child Health & Human Development - Great information on reading disorders.
U.S. Department of Education - Excellent information on dyslexia.
National Institute for Neurological Disorders - Another great source of information on dyslexia.
*Disclaimer: The linked information contained herein is provided only as general information. SensaLearn / SAIL Academy does not ensure that the information is necessarily accurate and current. As such, users are responsible for independently verifying any and all information. Furthermore, the inclusion of these links does not imply endorsement or support of the linked information, services, products, or providers.